Elopement Epilogue

8/8, Reliving this date through merely memory trying to transcribe the visceral experience of eloping seems like a surmountable task and also one worthwhile attempting for our own benefit as well as for others who were not present for this joyous occasion. Eloping was the easy evolution of wedding plans, perhaps seemingly selfish and also what made sense for us. This decision didn’t come lightly but now that it’s a fleeting moment in time, we can reflect upon the wonderment of our wedding day while wishing to tell our story in such as way that you feel the love. We appreciate the support to elope and hopefully this electronic version of the story makes it feel a bit more real.

There’s something about the crisp, clear mountain air that brings clarity. Ryan and I knew there was something special between us along an autumn bike ride through golden trees and leaves to Benchmark Point (Vail) in 2018. This ride was to pay homage to Colin’s cliff where a memorial stone was set and ashes were cast free after he passed from cancer in 2005. It was this connection to cancer that brought Ryan and me together. Losing a loved one to cancer sounds sexy, huh? Because Ryan lost Colin, he committed to a career in cancer and because I lost my first husband, Nate, I did the same. So I could say that our paths collided because of cancer. 

I digress…This clarity came about again in Sedona when Ryan proposed atop Ant Hill while mountain biking in November 2020. Apparently our quarantine marriage test run went well if we were willing to sign up for more ;) After 8 months of mulling about what to do for our wedding, we decided to elope while on a Friday eve hike to Booth Falls (Vail). 


8/8 would be the date, under a New Moon on the portal of Lion’s Gate. To continue the coincidental theme of mountain magic we decided to elope in Crested Butte. Then we waited to decide upon the special spot to tie the knot until the day before our big day, a month later! We knew we’d know so we trusted the elopement to evolve, keeping things simple with no stress. 


The thing about eloping is that it happens fast! All of a sudden we found ourselves in Crested Butte the day before the big day. An adventure seemed apropos so we loaded up Black Betty, Ryan’s ’01 Toyota 4Runner, and off-roaded up Paradise Divide toward Schofield Pass. At one point we were driving straight toward the steep summit on a narrow bumpy “road” with a clear drop off down to the right. All went well until another car was driving down toward us so a dance off began and Black Betty showed off her skills.  We continued around and then began down the yellow brick road which rolled up to the glistening, turquoise-green Emerald Lake that beckoned to us in the high country. We felt that moment of clarity once again and Emerald Lake was deemed the sacred spot for the ceremony. 


The dawn of 8/8 shone clearer skies than the smoke filled scene from the day before as though Crested Butte knew it had some showing off to do. Black Betty, our faithful chariot, escorted us to Emerald Lake around 1:11 pm where the glistening green and blue hues glittered beneath the pine tree covered mountain peaks. 


We each got ready separately in our own corners as the lake lapped gently upon the rocky shore. Shanti stayed close by my side like a proper maid of honor. Then right before I turned to Ryan a yellow butterfly fluttered by as a sign from above. Yellow butterflies symbolize happiness and prosperity and according to Irish folklore, show that our loved ones are resting peacefully in their afterlife. Shanti then led me proudly toward Ryan because she knew something special was happening between her parents. 

The ceremony started by toasting to our lost loved ones, Colin with Jameson, Nate with a Moscow Mule and Sloan with a Guinness.  Then we released ashes as the wind spread them into the ether…dust to dust. Our vows were transcribed in a unicorn adorned journal that we use to write each other love notes especially on special occasions and then told through tears as we committed to each other forever, to infinity…#2infinOD! We kissed and danced to, “Colour Me,”…”You colour me, you colour my soul, make me dream of things I never did once before.” Then we popped the top of some champagne, all the while feeling a surge of love bursting from our hearts similar to the stream of bubbles flowing freely to seal the ceremony. 


As one of our favorite songs “Yours to Keep” from our epic playlist says.

“Plant a seed And watch it grow”…

“I’ll write your name on the bottom of my shoes just so that you know I’m yours to keep. I’ll write your name on the bottom of my shoes just so you know I won’t let you down.”

“I am yours and you are mine.”

Being cheeseballs, we wrote each other’s names on the bottom of our shoes and exchanged our vows on a new moon, which is the best time to plant seeds of intention, especially ones for infinity! 


Our friends, Woody and Mack, were there behind the scenes to help us with all the things, especially documenting the details. Ryan officiated their wedding 3 years ago (nearly to the day) in Crested Butte and they were the only people present with us plus our pup. Shanti was our official witness with a legit paw print signature, thanks Colorado for the simplicity of getting hitched!


8/8 forever marks the date Ryan and Tara sealed their fate as forever mates :) The pictures that present Mr. & Mrs. O’Donoghue thankfully portray what words can’t quite explain. Lots of love and free flowing kind of fun was felt for days. We know these memories can’t be as vivid for others as they are for us but hopefully this is a start to see into our hearts.

Lov Yoga