Loss and Legacy: Nate the Great

Four years ago on 11/11 at 11:11am, I said some tear-filled words, quoting Macklemore’s song, “Glorious,” before cutting a rainbow ribbon. This marked the grand opening of the Lov Connection trail which was named to commemorate Nate.

“I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave, and the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name.” 

I love this upbeat singsongy rap because it sums up how I feel about sharing Nate’s legacy. It also shines light on how I continue to live on now that I have processed the gravity and sadness of the most significant loss in my life.

“I feel glorious, glorious, got the chance to start again. I was born for this, it’s who I am…I made it through the darkest of the night, and now I see the sun rise. Now I feel glorious, glorious…”

Not to say that I instantly felt glorious and it can still be fleeting. However, light does come from dark. Life moves on and new people, loves and memories fill each day. I hope we can all continue to honor those we’ve lost for a long time to come while also moving forward. I believe they would want us to feel glorious and would also like to be remembered gloriously themselves :)

I love hearing stories of seeing butterflies out on Lov Connection or people feeling connected to Nate when they ride that trail. Recently I was told about a group who rode the “Fallen Comrades Ride” which linked the trails of lost loved ones in Eagle (Will’s Thrill —> Adam’s Way —> Lov Connection). It brings me joy that others still celebrate Nate too.

It will forever be my hope that Nate “never dies twice,” that people remember him for the amazing human he was and memories he made on earth. Even by moving on in love and new dreams I celebrate Nate every 11/11. The opening of this trail was like letting Nate’s spirit free by honoring him in such an unexpected yet perfect way. Last year I wrote a blog that shines more light on the significance and synchronicity of this special day 11/11, A Day for Heroes.

This year I wrote a little poem as a tribute to express gratitude for the wild ride it has been since we moved in Eagle in 2003 until Nate passed away in this sweet, small town in 2016. I believe that Nate’s will to return home from the hospital in Denver one last time, against all odds, was because of his strong love for Eagle. He wanted his soul to be set free to fly high above his community for eternity. 

Nate the Great

Nate was quite the visionary…

When we moved to Eagle in 2003,

In the midst of the construction craze,

Yeti’s Grind was built and filled our days. 

Each day felt like the show, “Cheers,”

Serving lots of smiles, coffee and beers. 

Coffee for the people, made with love,

Small town comfort in a cup.

Bike teams and another company, 

Lov Bikes slowly came to be.

Looking back it now seems,

That it was Nate’s final dream. 

In 2016 cancer took his life,

Now we honor him and his bikes.

To me 11/11 means community.

A rainbow ribbon was cut free,

To open the trail on this date, 

And to also celebrate Nate.

T’was the tail end of his cancer journey,

Because Nate passed on 11/22/2016.

Just 11 short days from 11/11, 

Is when Nate’s spirit went to heaven. 

I am forever grateful for his legacy,

Trails were Nate’s fave place to be.

If trails are your happy place too, 

Here’s something you can do.

Play on Lov Connection soon,

And sing this little tune…

Glorious, Glorious :)

Then send Nate a little love,

And love will shower down from above :)

With Lov, 


Lov Yoga